See the hoisterous of piracy CD conducted by irresponsible party, Agnes Monica become the growl. He even also of all the ploughman. But, non by visiting them one by one and drag the them to trial, but by releasing CD of album single.
album of Single Agnes, new first time, start to circulate the last Tuesday ( 16 / 9). " This for the first time in Indonesia, selling album single. If beyond the sea, have very ordinary," word Agnes. " One of the its reason, for the opponent of piracy, because CD sold at the price of very cheap,".

In album of single Agnes of only there are two song, My sun and My Godai Again. Even that album is sold at the price of very reached, Agnes ascertain its quality is very well guaranted. " Merely Rp15 thousand, but by packaging and quality of very good. It is true intend will make of Indonesia music,".